The method of morphological analysis and synthesis is one of the most effective system methods of inventive activity, the study of which is mandatory in many leading world companies. However, in Ukraine it is undeservedly little used, which requires the elimination of this drawback. Therefore, this paper analyzes the main factors influencing the process of studying and applying the method of morphological analysis. It is shown that the analysis and search for ways to overcome negative factors is not only an important and urgent, but also a difficult task, the solution of which requires special psychological and methodological preparation. In addition to negative factors, the proposed work also outlines a set of positive aspects, the development of which contributes to the effective study and application of the method of morphological analysis. The combination of these factors elevates the capacity for innovative work, accumulation of knowledge and development of creative thinking to a higher level. Achieving this level leads to greater self-confidence and empowerment of a creative person for successful activity in any chosen specialty. For a wider scope of young people’s training in the systemic methods of creativity, their teaching in pedagogical and technical higher education establishments is recommended under the supervision and assistance of the Ministry of Education of Ukraine.
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