
Keywords: ballast water disinfection, ultraviolet radiation, optical characteristics of water, filtration, treatment regulations, technical and economic indicators


The problems of development and implementation of ballast water disinfection technologies using ultraviolet radiation and advanced oxidation processes are considered. The main water parameters that determine the requirements for the total intensity of radiation sources are analysed. A scheme for forming a disinfection effect is proposed, which takes into account the role of radiation factors, water parameters and reagent activity. The biophysical processes that occur when broad-spectrum ultraviolet radiation acts on microorganisms are analysed. Organizational and technical measures that must be taken into account when implementing these technologies on ships are considered. Using the example of a pilot plant, a list of competencies that ship personnel must master to comply with the standards for the operation of the plant is given. The technical and economic indicators of the ballast water disinfection plant are given, which should be used as a basis when designing the plant for the customer. The design of the plant for ballast water disinfection with ultraviolet radiation is proposed. Methods of controlling the formation of sediment on the surface of ultraviolet radiation sources are described and the method of cleaning them from sediment is proposed. A scheme for cleaning ballast water during pumping into the tank and during de-ballasting is developed. The possibility of modular arrangement of the disinfection system is provided for the purpose of optimal location of equipment in ship's premises. A system for automatic control of ballast water purification technology is described. Directions for improving installations for more complete performance of the functions of neutralizing microorganisms carried by ballast water are indicated.


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