Keywords: unmanned self-propelled floating platform, remotely operated underwater vehicle, traffic control automation, humanitarian demining, underwater potentially dangerous object


The article considers the issue of increasing the efficiency of searching for and identifying dangerous underwater navigation threats by using an unmanned marine technological complex. The relevance of the study is due to the need to ensure the safety of navigation in the territorial waters of Ukraine. The proposed technological complex includes a self-propelled unmanned floating platform and an uninhabited moored underwater vehicle placed on it, its power and control post, as well as a launching and lifting device and a cable winch with a cable tow. The purpose of the work is to substantiate the control tasks for automating the movement of such a complex and synthesize the generalized structure of the automatic control system for this complex. To achieve the set goal, the work reviews modern technologies for detecting and neutralizing underwater potentially dangerous objects, justifies the composition of the equipment of the unmanned marine technological complex and describes a set of basic modes of its operation, and formulates a set of tasks for automatic control of the complex. As a result of the research, a generalized structure of the automatic control system of an unmanned marine technological complex for the inspection of waterways of Ukraine has been developed. To ensure the plane-parallel movement of a self-propelled unmanned floating platform, it is proposed to use a propulsion and steering complex consisting of four engines located at a certain angle to the main axis of symmetry of the platform. The work presents the control law of each electric drive of the platform engine depending on the specified motion vector. The use of a hierarchical automatic control system is proposed, the feature of which is a general strategic level for the entire system and separate tactical and executive levels for the unmanned self-propelled floating platform and the uninhabited moored underwater vehicle. The obtained research results lay the theoretical foundation for the development of a new system for monitoring waterways of Ukraine and means of humanitarian demining of these water areas. The proposed self-propelled unmanned marine complex will make it possible to increase the efficiency of humanitarian demining work on Ukrainian waterways.


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