The purpose of the work is to supplement the existing classification of marine unmanned vehicles by introducing unmanned surface-underwater boats into it, to determine their main features as objects of automatic control and to form a general set of tasks for the synthesis of automated and automatically controlled systems, as well as to develop a generalized structure of the automatic control system for one of the key systems of an unmanned surface-underwater boat – the air supply system to the boat's thermal engine during its underwater movement. To achieve this goal, the hierarchical classification method was used to supplement the existing classification of marine unmanned vehicles, and the system approach method was used to formulate tasks for the synthesis of control systems for such boats. The result of the study is the addition of the classification of marine unmanned vehicles, which includes a new type of marine unmanned vehicles, as well as their division into types, categories and classes according to their purpose. It is shown that when developing the structure of the automatic control system for an unmanned surface-underwater boat, it is advisable to divide it into executive, program, adaptive, tactical and strategic levels. A general set of tasks for the synthesis of the control system for unmanned surface-underwater boats is proposed, consisting of the task of controlling the spatial movement of the boat as a solid body that can move on the sea surface and under water, the task of controlling the boat's energy system, the task of controlling the boat's information system and the task of controlling the boat's sea mission as a whole. For each task, a list of functional subtasks has been developed that cover the main processes of boat automation. Taken together, the developed list of tasks forms a scientific and technical basis for the development of automated and automatic boat control systems in all basic modes of its use as a means of transport. The scientific novelty is formed by the improved classification of marine unmanned vehicles, the first proposed general set and components of the synthesis problems of automatic control systems for a marine surface-underwater boat. The practical significance of the research lies in the scientific structuring of design work on the creation of a new type of marine robotics, which makes it possible to systematically carry out further design work on the development of automatic control systems for an unmanned surface-underwater boat.
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