In shipbuilding and ship repair, traditionally in large quantities, wood is used. This is due to the peculiarities of the mechanical properties of such material and the relatively low cost of wood. The combination of these, as well as some other factors, prevented the effective introduction of new materials instead of wood.
Replacing wood in shipbuilding structures with other materials available at a price may allow the use of construction data many times. Elastomers can be used as a material that can replace wood in shipbuilding constructions. On this basis, we can conclude that the development of elastomeric constructions of the shipbuilding-in-use purpose, capable of replacing wood by elastic indicators, is an actual study.
In traditional approaches to designing shipbuilding elastic foundations, their formation on the basis of wood is considered. At the same time, an analysis is carried out and indicators of deformative compliance of wood as an elastic material are determined.
In this paper, consider the principles of wood replacement on elastomeric elastic pads during the formation of elastic bases in shipbuilding and ship repair.
The purpose of the article and the formulation of the research objectives is to formulate the principles of substitution of timber in shipbuilding for elastomeric elastic elements, the development of practical recommendations for the formation of shipbuilding and ship repairing elastic bases on the basis of elastomeric elastic pro-clad.
During the research, the following tasks were solved:
- An analysis of existing elastic shipbuilding constructions from wood;
- The principal problems to be solved for the successful replacement of wood as a material used in shipbuilding for elastic elements, elastomers, as well as ways of their solution;
- The basic principles of designing of elastic bases from elastomeric elements are determined;
- Developed recommendations for the design of shipbuilding support devices based on elastomeric elastic elements;
- The method of designing elastomeric elastic bases is implemented on the example of the design of the slipways of the longitudinal slip.
Technological operations in which wood is used as elastic and friable elements are as follows:
- laying sections and forming the hull of a ship on a scaffold or in a dry dock;
- transportation of the ship’s hull and its separate parts on the support and transport devices and trainsborder;
- descent of vessel from transverse and longitudinal staves;
- descend by means of transfer docks;
- placing the vessel in a floating repair dock.
The main shipbuilding support structures include: trigger tracks, triggers, cops, cubes, cages, bases, stops, hinged transverse beams.
By combining elastic elements made of different types of elastomers, it is possible to design supporting devices with uneven distribution of elastic properties along the length of the device, which, for example, can be found in the trigger devices of longitudinal sloping piles.
In the process of re-equipping the pile tracks, the wooden coating should be replaced discreplaced elastomeric gaskets.
In the course of the conducted researches it was established that when using elastomeric elastic gaskets a new design of the runways on the basis of old structures can be created.
Conclusions. The practical value of the work lies in the fact that its main provisions, conclusions and generalizations can be of practical interest for the design and construction of elastomeric constructions of shipbuilding at modern shipbuilding and ship repair enterprises.
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