• N. Tymchenko
  • O. Kuzmenko
Keywords: enterprise, transportation market, cargo and passengers transportations, logistics field, logistics performance index, transport and logistics infrastructure


The present article is devoted to research of market of cargo and passengers transportation by sea and river transport to identify the prevailing trends in the field. The basis of research was composed of statistical materials and scientific works of domestic and foreign scientists on the issues of modern functioning and prospects for the development of water transportation market. The scopes and structure of cargo and passenger transportation by sea and river transport are shown, transportation is analyzed in terms of cargo types, as well as a comparative analysis of logistics development in different countries of the world. It is found that the efficiency of operation of cargo and passenger transportation market is largely dependent on the management in the field of logistics. In this paper, a comparative analysis of logistics performance index (LPI) in different countries has been carried out, which convincingly proves the necessity of development of transport and logistics infrastructure of water transport enterprises.

The main issues and prospects of development of water transportation market have been identified, in particular establishment of proper transportation services market in the Marine Economy Complex, because now it doesn’t correspond to the high world standards; this can be accelerated due to modernization of logistics infrastructure as well as due to the complex innovative improvement of the mechanism of processing of cargo flows in the ports.


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