• V. V. Sokolov


An overview of the current state of use of unmanned towed underwater systems for performing works in shallow water areas is carried out. The main tasks of underwater search and water environment research, which are expedient to carry out with application of unmanned towed underwater systems, are formulated. The results of the analysis of modern approaches to control automation of such systems are given. The necessity of an integrated approach to control automation of such systems is established for achievement of high indexes of quality of underwater works. The basic modes of using unmanned towed underwater systems in normal and emergency situations are determined. The main technological modes include straight-line motion of an unmanned towed underwater vehicle with stabilization of height above the ground or depth of immersion, the movement of the vehicle on the given flat vertical or horizontal trajectory and the spatial motion of the vehicle in a given trajectory. The tasks of control automation of these systems as essentially non-linear objects of naval equipment are formulated. Such system consist of a towing vessel, cable winch, unmanned towed underwater vehicle and its payload. The generalized five-level structure of the automatic control system of an unmanned towed underwater system is developed. At the strategic level, an underwater mission of an unmanned towed underwater system is analyzed and a strategy for its implementation is being developed. At the tactical level, a plan is developed to implement the adopted strategy, the methods of performing all modes of operation are selected, the trajectories of spatial movement of the towed system for the implementation of the main technological modes of its work are developed. At the adaptive level, tactical level decisions are adjusted taking into account the technical state of the elements of the towed system and the actual state of the environment, and the search for optimal control decisions within the framework of the chosen task tactics is carried out. The program level provides the synthesis of the algorithms of group control of the executive mechanisms of the towed system and generates their program implementation for the executive level. The basic requirements for the creation of mathematical models of the main elements of the unmanned towed underwater system as components of their automatic control system are considered. The direction of further research on automation of such systems is outlined.


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