• V. B. Nesterenko
  • I. P. Zavalniuk
  • О. П. Завальнюк
Keywords: liquefied cargo, transportable moisture limit, free surface effect, righting moment, listing moment, approximation, safe range of the list angle


In the article it is focused attention on the problem of mineral ore transportation with a high moisture content exceeding TML and the effect of its physical properties on maritime safety. The analysis of the behavior of the liquefied cargo in the sea transportation conditions was carried out and the possibility of the appearance of one of two effects – the «free surface effect» and the «sliding effect» was established. As a result of theoretical researches, the effect of the movement of the transported cargo on the ship’s stability was shown, and the relationships of the righting lever and metacentric height of the shoulder on the important physical characteristics of the cargo, vessel and external factors acting on the cargo ship was presented. The carrying out of the polynomial approximation procedures of the dependence of the lever of the listing moment on the angle of list arising during the transportation liquefied ore allowed us to determine the critical angle of list, upon the reaching of which eliminates the possibility of compensatory action of the listing moment by righting moment. Recommendations on the observance of specific values of the list angle for the safe transportation of group A bulk cargoes with signs of liquefaction in a changing humidity conditions was formulated.


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