• A. M. Voitasyk
Keywords: underwater vehicle, useful cargo, gripper mechanism, mathematical model


Developing and manufacturing operating samples of tethered remotely operated vehicle is expensive and laborious process. The expensive equipment used in their manufacture may be accidentally damaged during full-scale sea experiments. Thus the task of the previous computer simulation of the object of research is urgent with the aim to verify the performance of the proposed automatic control system.

In this paper modern approaches to the simulation of the dynamics of the motion of underwater vehicles with a cable connection are considered and the necessity in the development of specialized mathematical model of tethered remotely a self-propelled underwater cargo carrier with useful cargo is proved. The mathematical model of dynamics of movement a self-propelled underwater cargo carrier which intended for delivery, installation and removal of useful cargo on the sea bottom takes into account the design features of this type of underwater vehicles. 3D model of a gripper mechanism is designed for a self-propelled underwater cargo carrier with the use of useful cargo. The designed 3D model will be used during the design and preliminary configuration of the automated control system of underwater vehicle and its useful cargo.


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