The rationale for a systematic approach to creating an unmanned self-propelled tethered underwater complex in the early design stages as an effective tool for carrying out underwater technical works is given. The basis of the systems approach is the equations of existence for the material, energy and information components. The interrelation and influence on these components of the fourth factor are considered, which are explained from the point of view of the functional expediency of creating elements of an unmanned self-propelled tethered underwater complex and is based on the equations of existence that illuminate the operational side of the tethered underwater vehicle. It was explained that not all operational features can be provided in numerical form, but there is only an opportunity to provide their description and determine the impact on the operation of the complex as a whole. As an example, the work of the complex at the anchorage with the calculation of time, which is a numerical functional component, is presented for examining a certain area of the bottom surface.
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