The work is aimed at solving the applied problem of developing an automatic system for processing electronic documents, namely one of its parts of the classifier. To solve this problem, it is proposed to use approaches to machine learning and artificial intelligence. Solving this problem under normal conditions is not difficult, but this paper considers the case of limited training sample, which is a common case in the development of systems based on the proposed approaches. The study of initial data on the basis of which the model will be taught and the number of classes to be recognized, the number of representatives in each class and the peculiarities of their presentation. The paper presents approaches, the application of which allows to increase the accuracy of systems of this type, in the conditions of limited initial initial sampling. Among the proposed approaches, the principle of minimizing the parameters in the formation of the architecture of the artificial neural network, data augmentation, pre-training of the artificial neural network by using an autoencoder. The obtained accuracy of 94–95 %, after the application of the proposed approaches in contrast to 70 % of the original, confirms the possibility of rapid development of similar classifiers of this type, with limited sampling and time minimization, achieving high accuracy.
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